# Welcome Hiya! šŸ‘‹ Welcome to the personal working notes of [[Leah Ferguson]]. Since the summer of 2021, this vault has evolved from a collection of connected thinking and experimental online research notes for grad school into a showcase for the digital tools I use to run my life. Hello! ## Digital GardenĀ  In late spring 2021, I stumbled acrossĀ [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/), a really interesting app that fundamentally allows for a personalized archive of linked notes. I fell down a rabbit hole and started researching the [[Zettelkasten]] method which has led to reading more about [[Digital garden|digital gardens]] andĀ [[Evergreen notes|evergreen notes]]. Since I've been out of academia for a long while, I was finding it tough jumping back into journal articles and research papers. I've been adapting my methods over the past year and am continuing to do so with this experiment. ## Roll for initiative!Ā  I also accidentally became a community mod over on theĀ [Obsidian Discord](https://discord.com/invite/veuWUTm). Apparently, Iā€™m overly enthusiastic about workflows on Apple products as well as TTPRGs. You may possibly have stumbled across my Publish because of my TTRPG nerdery. (I've even doneĀ [a talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqN04ZXWufc)Ā [or two](https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ovqu_1aW3Sw)Ā on YouTubeā€¦) Iā€™ve also been using Obsidian for my first ever campaign of Dungeons & Dragons as a player and keepĀ [[Tabletop Roleplaying Games|my notes]] onlineā€¦