# File Hierarchy SOP Last Updated: [[2023-07-10]] --- I’ve shifted over towards the [[Johnny Decimal]] system, and yes, I’m doing it wrong. That’s cool. It’s working for me. YMMV. If you take nothing else away from this… take the concept of the inbox. I’ve adapted this practice from [[allen2015GettingThingsDone|Getting Things Done]] to my Obsidian, and it’s fantastic. This applies throughout my personal workflow, including [[Obsidian]], OS file structure, email, calendars, etc… ## 00 Meta - ![[folder.svg|13]] **01 Inbox**^01 - Default location for new files - ***Tool:*** [[Hazel]] watch folder - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] [[01 OCR Screenshots]] - Captures text directly from a screenshot via [[Alfred]] - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] [[01 Safari Capture]] - Captures all open Safari tabs for processing via a [[Shortcuts|Shortcut]] - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] [[01 Non-existent notes]] - Captures all notes that have been linked, but not created yet. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **02 Journal**^02 - ![[folder.svg|13]] **02.01 Daily** 🔒 - ***Plugin:*** [[Daily Notes]], [[Templater]] - ***Template:*** [[YAML - 02.01 - Journal - Daily]] - ![[folder.svg|13]] YYYY - ![[folder.svg|13]] MM - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] YYYY-MM-DD - ![[folder.svg|13]] **02.02 Weekly** 🔒 - ***Plugin:*** [[Calendar]], [[Templater]] - ***Template:*** [[YAML - 02.02 - Journal - Weekly]] - ![[folder.svg|13]] YYYY - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] YYYY-W## - ![[folder.svg|13]] **02.03 Monthly** 🔒 - ***Plugin:*** [[Templater]] - ***Template:*** [[YAML - 02.03 - Journal - Monthly]] - ![[folder.svg|13]] **02.04 Quarterly** - ***Plugin:*** [[Templater]] - ![[folder.svg|13]] YYYY - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] YYYY-Q# - ![[folder.svg|13]] **02.05 Annually** 🔒 - ***Plugin:*** [[Templater]] - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] YYYY - ![[folder.svg|13]] **02.06 Theme** - Experimenting with bringing my[ theme journalling](https://www.themesystem.com) into Obsidian. TBD if a keeper. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **02.07 Logs** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **03 Resources**^03 - ![[folder.svg|13]] **03.01 Templates** ^03-01 - Template files for [[Templater]] plugin - [[Templater SOP|I’m experimenting with naming and organization for my templates.]] - ![[folder.svg|13]] **03.02 People** ^03-02 - ![[folder.svg|13]] **03.03 Attachments** ==(Obsidian Publish, partial)== ^03-03 - Contains linked image assets for notes - ![[folder.svg|13]] **03.04 Classifications** ^03-04 - Playing around with things for the [[Obsidian Community Plugins SOP#Breadcrumbs|Breadcrumbs]] plugin. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **03.05 Businesses** ^03-05 - Blatantly created so I can link takeout restaurants on my daily notes to remember if I liked the place, or found a particular dish salty. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **03.06 Excalidraw** ^03-06 - Containment folder for Excalidraw-specific tests. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **03.07 Dataview ^03-07 - Used for Dataview js testing. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **03.08 Sidebars** ^03-08 - Notes that I use as sidebars. They typically act as springboards within different workspaces. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **03.09 Dice Roller** ^03-09 - List notes created specifically to use with the [[Dice Roller]] plugin. For now, at least. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **04 SOP** ==(Obsidian Publish, partial)==^04 - Contains personal Standard Operation Procedures. Like this one. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **05 Obsidian**^05 - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **05.01 General** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **05.02 Core Plugins** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **05.03 Community Plugins** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **05.04 Themes** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **05.05 Snippets** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **05.06 Obsidian Community Talks** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **06 Tools**^06 - ![[folder.svg|13]] **09 Tests**^09 - Notes where I’m testing things for myself, or for devs in the Obsidian community. ## 10 Personal 🔒 - List isn't complete, but basically my area for personal things. - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **11 Home** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **12 Food & Nutrition** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **13 Health** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **14 Genealogy** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **19 Personal Archive** ## 20 Learning - ![[folder.svg|13]] **21 Academia**^21 - ![[folder.svg|13]] **21.00 Admin** - My academic admin folders (not publicly shared). - ![[folder.svg|13]] **21.99 Archive** - Previously completed courses from this program. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **ABCD 1234** - The active sub-folders are based on the course codes (example ABCD 1234) - ![[folder.svg|13]] **ABCD 1235** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **ABCD 1236** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **22 Independent**^22 - Things like LinkedIn Learning, edX, or Coursera courses. - Kind of a dumping ground right now, if I’m honest. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **23 Conferences**^23 - ![[folder.svg|13]] **YYYY-MM-DD Event Name** for single-day events - ![[folder.svg|13]] **YYYY-MM-DD – YYYY-MM-DD Event Name** for multi-day events - This includes conferences, lectures, talks, webinars, symposiums - ![[folder.svg|13]] **24 Online Courses**^24 - ![[folder.svg|13]] **25 Online Tutorials**^24 - ![[folder.svg|13]] **29 Archive**^29 - Archives from previous degrees and courses. ## 30 Professional - ![[folder.svg|13]] **31 Career Admin** ^31 - [[31 Career Admin SOP]] - ![[folder.svg|13]] **31.01 Personal Brand** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **31.02 Resume** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **31.03 CV** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **31.04 Portfolio** - Case Studies - ![[folder.svg|13]] **31.05 Issued** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **YYYY** - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|10]] YYYY-MM-DD - CV - Leah Ferguson - {Company/Organization/Event} - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|10]] YYYY-MM-DD - Portfolio - Leah Ferguson - {Company/Organization/Event} - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|10]] YYYY-MM-DD - Resume - Leah Ferguson - {Company/Organization/Event} - ![[folder.svg|13]] **31.06 Recruitment** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **32 Image Archive** ^32 - [[32 Image Archive SOP]] - ![[folder.svg|13]] **32.00 Admin** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **\_Template** - 00 Admin - 01 Project Assets - 02 Photos Renders - 99 Archive - ![[folder.svg|13]] **Company 1** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **Project 1** - 00 Admin - 01 Project Assets - 02 Photos Renders - 99 Archive - ![[folder.svg|13]] **Project 2** - 00 Admin - 01 Project Assets - 02 Photos Renders - 99 Archive - ![[folder.svg|13]] **Company 2** *etc…* - ![[folder.svg|13]] **Freelance** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **Miscellaneous** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **Volunteer** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **33 Website**^33 - ![[folder.svg|13]] **33.00 Admin** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **33.01 Blog** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **01 Ideas** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **02 In Progress** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **03 Published** - — - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] **[[33 Blog Status Board]]** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **34 Professional Organizations** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **35 Employment** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **36 Certifications** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **38 Public Speaking** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **2021** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **2022** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **2023** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **39 Professional Archive** ## 40 Atomic - Attempting relatively flat hierarchy here. Even if it makes my eye twitch. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **41 Zettels** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **42 People** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **43 Places** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **44 Quotes** ## 50 Reference - *PDFs managed by Zotfile, stored in iCloud Drive, indexed in DEVONthink, 53–55 managed in Zotero* - ——— - ![[folder.svg|13]] **51 Indices** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **52 Reports** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **53 Books** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **54 Periodicals** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **54.01 Peer-reviewed** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **54.02 Trade** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **54.03 Popular** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **54.04 Conference** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **54.05 Newspapers** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **55 Compendiums** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **55.01 Encyclopedia** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **55.02 Dictionary** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **56 Audiovisual** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **56.01 Podcast** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **56.02 YouTube** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **56.03 Television** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **56.04 Film** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **57 Online** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **58 Miscellaneous** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **59 Exports**^59 - ![[folder.svg|13]] **59.01 Zotero** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **59.01b Zotero Connector** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **59.02 Readwise** ## 60 Games Wowee… this is out of date! #followup In the meanwhile, see [[Tabletop Roleplaying Games]] for info. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **61 General D&D** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.01 Races - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.02 Classes - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.03 Customization - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.04 Personalization - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.05 Equipment - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.06 Abilities - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.07 Adventuring - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.08 Combat - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.09 Spellcasting - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.10 Spells - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.11 Gamemastering - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.12 Treasure - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.13 Monsters - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.14 Creatures - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.15 NPCs - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.18 Modules - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 61.19 Sources - ![[folder.svg|13]] **62 Campaigns** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **YYYY-MM Campaign Name** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 01 Admin - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 02 Sessions - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 03 *(Varies)* - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 04 PCs - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 05 NPCs - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 06 Locations - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 07 Handouts - ![[folder.svg|13]] **2021-06 Two and a Half Strahds** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 01 Admin - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 02 Session Notes - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 03 My Stuff - ![[folder.svg|13]] – Backup Characters - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 04 PCs - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 05 NPCs - ![[folder.svg|13]] – NPCs - ![[folder.svg|13]] – Organizations - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 06 Locations - ![[folder.svg|13]] – 07 Handouts - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|11]] [[Two and a Half Strahds]] - Campaign overview document and landing page. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **63 One Shots** - ![[folder.svg|13]] YYYY - ![[folder.svg|13]] YYYY-MM-DD One Shot Name - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] YYYY-MM-DD One Shot Name - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] My PC - ![[folder.svg|13]] 2022 - ![[folder.svg|13]] 2023 - ![[folder.svg|13]] 2024 - ![[folder.svg|13]] **64 Solo RPGs** - Have been exploring a couple of solo RPGs thanks to the *\#tabletop-games* channel on the Obsidian Discord. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **65 Text Adventures** - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **Escape This Podcast** - Notes for text-based escape rooms, [available here](https://consumethismedia.itch.io). - ![[folder.svg|13]] – **Parsely Games** - Notes for text-adventure games from [Memento Mori](http://www.memento-mori.com). Love these. Go buy it. - ![[folder.svg|13]] **66 Video Games** - I keep random notes about video games I’m playing here. Example: - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] [[Assassin's Creed (Series)]] - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] [[Assassin's Creed Origins]] - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] [[Assassin's Creed Odyssey]] - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] [[Baldur's Gate 3]] - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|11]] 60_00 Dice - A quick reference dice table for use with [[Obsidian Community Plugins SOP#Dice Roller|Dice Roller]] - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|11]] 60_00 Roll20 Reference - A quick reference for Roll20. ## 70 Automation - ![[folder.svg|13]] **71 Shortcuts** - ![[folder.svg|13]] **72 Keyboard Maestro** ## Root folder - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|11]] [[Home]] ==(Obsidian Publish)== - Public Obsidian Publisher landing page - ![[00 Meta/03 Resources/03.03 Attachments/file.svg|13]] publish.css ==(Obsidian Publish)==