# Dataview > [!overview] > [github:: [GitHub](https://github.com/blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview)] > [obsidian:: [Open in Obsidian](obsidian://show-plugin?id=dataview)] > [url:: [Documentation](https://blacksmithgu.github.io/obsidian-dataview/)] > [donate:: [Donate](https://www.paypal.com/donate?business=Y9SKV24R5A8BQ)] Random dumping of stuff related to [[Dataview SOP]]. ## This File Name `= this.file.name` ## Created ``` list WHERE file.cday = date(<% tp.file.title %>) SORT title asc ``` ## Last Modified ``` list WHERE file.mday = date(2021-06-06) AND file.cday != date(2021-06-06) ``` Alt. to pull date(now) ``` TABLE (file.mtime.hour + ":" + file.mtime.minute) as Time FROM "" WHERE date(now) - file.mtime <= dur(1 days) SORT file.mtime desc ``` ## Links ### Incoming Links ``` list file.inlinks where file = this.file ``` ### Outgoing Links ``` list file.outlinks where file = this.file ``` ### Backlinks dataview list from [[Current File Title]] where contains(this.file.outlinks, file.link) = false ## Searching this file where file.name = this.file.name WHERE contains(Room, this.file.link) `= dateformat(date(today), "DDDD")` `=localtime(date(today))` Sub-points on lists as well (from [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/comments/w9bu1r/comment/ihyy5wj/)) ``` LIST rows.bullets.text FROM "notes" FLATTEN file.lists as bullets WHERE meta(bullets.section).subpath = "References" SORT file.name desc GROUP BY file.name ``` ==I need to learn how to use this!== link(file.link,aliases) AS "Alias" link(file.path, file.title) AS Note link(Source, dateformat(date(Source), "yyyy-MM-dd")) as "Date" ``` `="[[" + this.source + "]]"` ``` ``` (game + ", " + system) AS "Game/System", ``` Resource for time: - Uses Luxon https://moment.github.io/luxon/api-docs/index.html - Time zones (IANA) https://www.zeitverschiebung.net/ - Table of tokens https://github.com/moment/luxon/blob/master/docs/formatting.md#table-of-tokens ``` (date-of-death - date-of-birth).years AS Age ```