> [!metadata] The Essentialism Planner: A 90-Day Guide to Accomplishing More by Doing Less > [author:: Greg McKeown] > [cite-key:: McKeown2024EssentialismPlanner] > [date-published:: 2024] > [genre:: Business & Economics] > [keywords:: ] > [notes:: [[McKeown2024EssentialismPlanner-notes]]] > > **(description-short:: Do less and accomplish more in all areas of your life with this planner based on the million-copy bestseller [[mckeown2014EssentialismDisciplinedPursuit|Essentialism]].)** > > (description:: When it comes to work, more is not better. As the author of [[mckeown2014EssentialismDisciplinedPursuit|Essentialism]], Greg McKeown has inspired people all over the world to stop, take stock, and prioritize what is essential and discard what is not. In doing so, you free yourself from the trivial and focus on what's important. This content-rich planner helps you break down your year into one manageable quarter, so you can achieve better work/life balance and figure out what tasks are truly essential.<br/><br/>Start with the Personal Quarterly Offsite that's filled with reflective prompts and exercises to help you eliminate the noise and home in on what's important to you. Then continue your journey with weekly and daily planning templates featuring Greg's popular Power Half an Hour and 1-2-3 Method, plus [[mckeown2014EssentialismDisciplinedPursuit|Essentialism]] quotes and challenges to inspire you on your journey.) Blog post: [My review on The Essentialism Planner](https://leahferguson.com/blog/mckeown-essentialism-planner/)